Start yang dilakukan Arsenal musim ini terbilang sangat bagus, mengingatkan kita akan Arsenal sewaktu menjadi juara Liga dengan tidak terkalahkan. Padahal saat ini Arsenal didominasi dengan pemain-pemain muda, yang pada awal musim kompetisi banyak orang meragukannya.
Banyak orang lebih memilih untuk menjagokan Liverpool dengan pembelian Ryan Babel dan Fernando Torresnya, kemudian Manchester United dengan Owen Hargraeves, Nani, Carlos Tevez serta Chelsea yang membeli Florent Malouda, namun Arsenal?
Wenger hanya membeli pemain-pemain yang tidak terlalu dikenal seperti : Eduardo Da Silva, Lukasz Fabianski, Bacary Sagna serta pemain-pemain muda yang tidak cukup kita kenal sebelumnya. Walaupun pada awal September terungkap Arsene Wenger mempunyai dana melimpah untuk transfer pemain sekelas Franck Ribery sekalipun ( +/- £ 70juta )
Wenger : "Money is there if I want it, but I will only spend it if I think it is necessary.
"Money is there to help you create good team, but when you feel you already have a good team, you do not need to spend."
"I believe in this side, and have said that many times."That is not down to how much money is or is not available - it is purely down to the fact that I believe this side is good enough to achieve something together."
Ya, memang seperti itulah kebijaksanaan Arsene Wenger dalam pembelian pemainnya, mengutamakan pemain muda berbakat yang belum matang untuk dipoles menjadi bintang, serta membeli pemain sesuai kebutuhan tim-nya.
Harry Redknapp kemudian dalam tulisannya di harian The Sun mengatakan :"I'm ready to admit it - I'm jealous of Arsene Wenger at Arsenal and I wouldn't mind betting there are another 18 Premier League managers who feel exactly the same way.
"No. It's because the scouting network Arsene has developed is second to none and has set the benchmark for all of us to try to follow.
"Just how does he keep finding these talented kids who have got everyone raving over their polished performances despite their tender years?
"Who spotted Emmanuel Eboue? Who unearthed Abou Diaby? Who discovered Gael Clichy and who found 17-year-old Armand Traore?
"And how did Arsenal manage to nick Cesc Fabregas from
"These kids weren't on anyone else's radar yet Arsene has snapped them up, stuck them in a red shirt and the rough diamonds are shining as bright, if not brighter, than anything in the top flight.
"Steve Rowley has been the Arsenal chief scout for years and a lot of credit must go to him for the endless work he does behind the scenes.
"But crucially for Arsenal, they have placed staff in several countries around the world whose sole task is to go out and find new talent.
"They have personnel in all the major football countries but importantly I believe they also have full-time staff in many African countries and European back waters."